Aggregate indexersĪ special "all" indexer is available at /api/v2. If you have an invite for them please send it to garfieldsixtynine -at- or jacketttest -at- to get them fixed/improved.
Trackers marked with have no active maintainer and may be missing features or be broken. Tutorial showing the steps to set up Sonarr to automatically download, organise and find TV Show torrents using BitTorrent client uTorrent with Plex integration.
Before you install Jackett, youll first need to make utorrent accessible in your. Please see our troubleshooting and contributing guidelines before submitting any issues or pull requests Now that transmission is setup, we can move on to sonarr, and radarr. If you are able to help out please contact us. This project is a new fork and is recruiting development help.

If you only want to leech then set your Seed Ratio and Seed Time to 0 On private trackers you usually need a seed ratio of 1 or seed time of 48 hours, adjust appropriately. You can uninstall it first if you have it installed already. To configure uTorrent for Mac, simply download and install it using the default settings.

Add KickAssTorrents and Torrentz as free providers, you can enable private trackers as well. If you don't already have uTorrent installed on your computer, make sure that you download and install it before proceeding. If you have a problem, request, or question then please open a new issue here. Click Searcher on the left and choose torrents as First Search.