Like Nouver, the server announcement takes place 30 minutes before spawn to give players time to reach the area.Vell spawns on the following server channels:.If not attacked, Vell will despawn after 30 minutes. It must be killed within 1 hour or it despawns. Vell spawns once per week each Sunday.On NA and EU servers, Vell spawned for the first time on 28 January 2018, at 12:00pm CET on EU servers and 12:00pm PST on NA servers. Vell was added to the Korean servers on 1 October 2017 and to the Japanese servers on 3 December 2017.Vell's Heart, a premium-quality alchemy stone, can be obtained if you succeed in hunting this ocean boss down. The only way to dodge this attack is to hold onto the helm of the ship or jump into the ocean beforehand. A gigantic tidal wave will sweep away all in its way, destroying everyone above the surface of the ocean. If Vell receives enough damage, it will go into a frenzy and launch a barrage of powerful attacks. Using onboard cannons and matchlocks, adventurers can attack the epic monster while also evading its massive AOE attacks. Being the one and only sea monster as well as having the size comparable to an entire city, Vell requires many adventurers to group up and combine their powers in order to defeat the fearsome monster. Vell is the first boss of this caliber in Black Desert Online. Vell, also known as Heart of the Sea, is an ocean boss appearing in Vell's Realm located north of Lema Island in the Margoria Sea. You can help Black Desert Online Wiki by expanding it.