These include Ainsley Neckles, the co-founder of BOx fitness studios, Corey Trevor, who’s a radio presenter, actor and owner of a barbershop on wheels, saxophonist Marcus Joseph, and community activist Brian Simmonds, founder of Leicester’s Black History Consortium. While the original panels are a permanent reminder of the contribution made by men and women from Leicester’s Black community, the new panels celebrate some of the inspirational descendants of the Windrush Generation who have gone on to become positive role models for young Black boys today.

The six panels will complement a series of display boards that were installed in 2021 as part of the Windrush Celebration Project. Later that day, a series of panels featuring personal stories from the second and third Windrush generations will be unveiled by the former Radio Leicester presenter Herdle White in front of an audience of invited guests at Leicester’s African Caribbean Centre on Maidstone Road. Invited guests and community elders will join members of the consortium for a launch event at City Hall on Thursday (22 June) – National Windrush Day. Most of the events taking place in the city have been coordinated by the Leicester Windrush Consortium – a network of local community groups that are working together to commemorate the anniversary. In Leicester, a programme of events will mark the 75 th anniversary of the arrival of the Windrush, celebrating the contribution made by those pioneers and their descendants to the city’s culture and economy over the last 75 years. Windrush 75 will remember those who made their home in Britain in the decades after the Second World War, as well as the men, women and children who arrived at Tilbury Docks in June 1948 on the HMT Empire Windrush – the ship that became a symbol of post-war migration. So for every file, she had to go into the Downloads folder, rename the PDF, and move it to where she wanted it stored.THE CONTRIBUTION made by those who left their homes in the Caribbean for a new life in post-war Britain will be celebrated across the country this week.
It basically picked an index code and used that as the file name. And instead of being able to Save As into the appropriate folder, Preview would only allow the Save function to save to the Downloads folder, and it wouldn't allow her to name the file. Instead of downloading the file, it opened in Preview (she's using a Mac). The PDF file downloads into whatever folder she's doing her organizational magic with.īut earlier this week, that changed. But it's always some variation of clicking on a link or right-clicking and selecting Save As.
There is a little variation in the process, depending on how each site codes its download links. She has been doing this for as long as there have been online statements. She files those on our Bookkeeping Share on the Synology NAS, so we have them for taxes, reporting, or any other fiducially responsible need that crops up. This means that every week or so, she has to download a whole bunch of bank, credit card, and vendor statements.

My wife does our little firm's bookkeeping. But privacy is another matter for the online ad giant.

Most people use Google Chrome as their default browser.