Math study center uw hours
Math study center uw hours

math study center uw hours math study center uw hours math study center uw hours

You should bring appropriate materials including your textbook, notes, syllabus, calculator, etc. Tutors will help you understand course content through discussion, review, and practice.Student tutors will once again be available at the start of the fall semester. The Pre-Calculus Lab provides tutoring for students in pre-calculus courses Math 96, 112, 113, 114.They will not lecture or simply give answers. The Center provides tutoring in mathematical subjects including calculus, linear algebra, statistics, and differential equations. Tutors are not content experts, but rather experts at being successful students. Tutoring is provided by the student assistant in the. My UW, the place where you can change courses and such.They will work alongside you to find answers and will demonstrate effective learning strategies. Tutors will refer you to other resources, including professor office hours, as appropriate. Tutors will help you develop good study skills and test-taking strategies.Even when I am not in the Math Study Center, there will be other people to help you when it is. You are expected to attend class and apply your own work ethic to your courses, including spending adequate time studying outside of tutoring.You will be strongly encouraged to try new strategies and techniques.

Math study center uw hours